Q&A: Do you think cheerleading is a sport?

Question by h20ninja13: Do you think cheerleading is a sport?
I am doing a debate for class and I was wondering how much of the public thinks that cheerleading IS a sport. If you think it is say yes and why, if you don’t think it is say no and why.

Best answer:

Answer by dshookey1
NO it is not a sport because they are cheering like all the other fans and are not doing anything else, except for the fact they have a routine….

they are nice to look at though

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

15 thoughts on “Q&A: Do you think cheerleading is a sport?

  1. shojo

    I don’t consider it a sport. How much athletic ability does it really take to dress and dance like a cheap hooker?

    And no pink, you can’t be fat when you’re a soccer midfielder. And BTW, I was a cheerleader in high school.

  2. Jackie

    They are cheering for a sport (usually football). It’s like asking if yoga or pilates is a sport. It’s stretching and involves movement of the body, but still.

    On the other hand, cheerleading can be competitive, but I still see it as more of an activity than a “sport”.

  3. pink~n~green

    yes, it is a sport. idk about other ppl, but we have to run, and stretch, and go through drastic measures to be a “good” cheerleader. it’s hard work!!! shojo is jus jealous. she’s prolly fat.

  4. Kikyo

    no, i think its a hobby

    you get dressed up, grab your pom poms, and do a dance routine

    its more of a competiton than a sport

    in sports theres a goal, as to getting a touchdown or scoring a basket

    but in cheerleading all you do is say”Go Team” you’re not playing a sport but cheering on a sport

    you’re more of a support system than anything else if you’re a cheerleader

  5. hh2news

    NOTHING that is BOUND to judges for winning or losing is a sport.

    Notice I said BOUND to judges. This distinction allows Boxing and MMA to be a sport. Those events can be won and lost without judges coming into play. But in events like Cheerleading with their competitions and whatnot is 100% based on somebody else’s judgment.

    Do you have to be Athletic? Yes!
    Are many spectacular athletes? Yes!
    Is cheerleading a sport? No!

  6. harley_girl_83

    i have been cheering for the past three years and it is most definately a sport. we practice 3 hours a day, everyday except wednesdays. it takes a lot of work to look good out there especiall with all the stunting we do. cheerleaders do way more work than people give them credit for. we’re not just bimbos who wave our arms. our sport takes skill and strength. we weight lift and work out about twice a week and we run everyday. trust me, cheerleading is NOT as easy as it looks!!!!!

  7. bitchy_scorpio

    Yes Cheerleading is a sport.
    Dictionary.com defines “sport” as “an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature”
    Dictionary.com defines “athletic” as “of or pertaining to athletes; involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina”

    Now if you have ever watched a cheerleading squad in action they demonstrate that they use strength, agility, physical skills and stamina.
    Most squads work out daily and lift weights a few times a week. They also take gymnastics for the tumbling acts. (If that isn’t an “an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess” then I don’t know what is.)
    Now for the competitive part.
    The foremost competition for all-star cheerleading is the annual USASF World Championships held at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fla. Teams must qualify for the event by finishing at or near the top at one of several qualifying competitions. US teams have won the vast majority of the medals, but an increasing number of strong teams from around the globe have come to compete in the event in recent years. This competition has grown in popularity and prestige since it’s beginning as a small competition in 2004. In 2007, over 100 teams from 15 different countries competed in the event.


  8. aylaaâ™ 

    No, because there is no goal or finish line and any fat person can be a cheerleader!

  9. jcalla04

    I dont think it is a sport i believe what hh2news said cheerleaders are great athletes but when a judge decides who wins or loses it is not a sport. Gymnast, figure skaters and Olympic divers are all great athletes but what they do is a competition not a sport.

  10. airtom

    Yes, cheerleading is most definitely a sport. They put in many hours of hard work to be able to do the stunts and somersaults that they do. It takes great skill and coordination to do what they do. In high school Friday night football, they are the hardest working group of people on the field.
    I would like to see those people who say it isn’t a sport, to do the things that cheerleaders do. Then they will have a different idea about them. Go cheerleaders of the world.!!!!!
    Also, Figure Skaters and Gymnastics is a sport too, for the same reason. If tennis and golf are sports, then so are cheerleading, Gymnastics and Figure Skating.

  11. erich485

    Cheerleading is not a sport but to those who say it takes no talent or athletic ability they are WRONG!!

    It’s not a sport because the only time cheerleaders are competing is at competitions and there is no clear winner, judges decide the scores and what one judge likes another could dislike.

    Cheerleaders, however, ARE athletes! I know at many highschools all the cheerleaders do are stand on the sides and yell go team. At mine however, we stunted, tumbled, constantly. If there was ever a time we were standing not doing anything our coach would yell at us & we’d have to put up another stunt etc.

    Do any of you consider gymnastics to be easy? or gymnasts not to be athletes? Good cheerleaders are gymnasts, they just do the floor, tumbling part.

    Cheerleading is not a sport, but it is as hard as any other sport & no one who knows anything about cheerleading can or will say cheerleaders are not athletes!!

  12. isalutegma_210

    It is not a sport. Cheerleading is meant to represent a team in sports competition. It helps to boost the morale of the players and entertain the audience too. Sometimes cheerleading can also lead to a competition for a price and to show who is the best performer as well.

  13. Elizabeth J

    Why wouldn’t it be?? Look up the definition of “sport”.

    If golf is considered a sport, cheerleading is, DEFINITELY.

    BTW, what the public thinks is totally irrelevant. At one time most of the public thought giving women the vote was a bad idea.

  14. Purple Hearts

    YES Cheer leading is a sport i want all u people out there who think its not to go try cheering in front of hundred people and try to do a pop cradle or a back handspring on concrete or a gym floor. Cheer leading is a sport it involves just as much athleticism as basketball or any other sport or maybe even more.

  15. KellyLou

    Of course cheerleading is a sport, have you evertryed to be throwing into the air and landing. or doing flips and splits and all that, i’m not a cheerleader and never want to be, i could never be that strong.

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