How do you base a cheerleader?

Question by G.C.: How do you base a cheerleader?
ok well like i just dont get it!!!
i can backspot a person and base them (this was when i was basing) but my friend was all”1…2″ and on those she was like already cradling the girl and i thought its was on “3…4” when we cradled her. and so yea…

Best answer:

Answer by Yeaaa Boyeee
go to this link:

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2 thoughts on “How do you base a cheerleader?

  1. Ashley Rockkss!

    I dont really get what you’re trying to ask but im a flyer and usually the base says “1,2” (going up). Then when its cradle time, the base says “cradle 1,2”. The way your coach teaches you might be different so good luck!

  2. Andrea

    when the flyer is getting ready to go up the bases and backspots go 5678 1,2, and the main base starts to dip and tehn on 3,4 the other base dips and by 5678 u are up in the stunt and to cradel u go 5678 dip 1 2 up 3 4 catch 5 6 7 8

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