Why is corporate libertarian and war cheerleader now talking about bring troops home?

Question by Frederick Tobin: Why is corporate libertarian and war cheerleader now talking about bring troops home?
“Glenn Beck had an entire show today about bringing ALL of our troops home, stopping the wars and slashing the defense budget”


From what I know about Glenn Beck is that he supports a US or Israel strike against Iran, and he has been preparing his viewers with constant fearmongering on an imaginary Iranian attack on America, just like Iraq’s imaginary attack on the US with their imaginary weapons of mass destruction.

Best answer:

Answer by nostradamus02012
he got a check in the mail with a request that he say this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Why is corporate libertarian and war cheerleader now talking about bring troops home?

  1. Kojak

    FIRST…. Not that I agree with Glen Beck totally…. but bringing the troops home is the right move
    I am a professional warrior with over 30 years teaching and fighting this type of warfare. The elements required to have a “win” in Afghanistan are not there. It is not a matter of “bombs ,bullets or bravery”.
    Beyond that the reason for staying is very weak. If Afghanistan turned Taliban tomorrow it would not be a significant threat to America. Osama if he is still alive, is broke and has not mounted a single attack on America in seven years. There is minimal risk in declaring mission accomplished and coming home, where there is no significant gain in wasting one more American life in that garbage dump.

    SECOND…. I certainly do not support a strike by Israel on Iran…. but it will happen no matter what America does unless Iran ceases their march toward a nuclear capability. Israel has already sent three warnings (the strike on Syria; the “training mission to Italy and the purchase of more bombers)
    Israel has demonstrated their willingness to do what they need to survive even if it hurts America (USS Liberty)….

    THIRD I think we should bring ALL troops home including those in Korea and Germany…. it is not our mandate to police the world. By sticking our nose in the business of other countries we do nothing but make enemies. America’s military force should ONLY be used if there is a “direct” threat to America.Our international involvement should be limited to self defense and humanitarian aid without caviots.

    FOURTH Is attack from Iran a possibility. Yes…..but so is an attack from Yemen, Somalia, North Korea and a dozen other rogue states. We can not preemptly attack them all…. in fact the next terrorist attack will probably come from someone without a state…. Osama was “stateless”
    We missed our chance to stop all terrorist attacks. When you talk to a Greek you speak Greek; When you talk to a terrorist you speak “terror”…. After 911 we should have nuked the Al Queda training camp….vaporized everything for 20 miles ….. one quick strike …. the shock wave would have reverberated around the world… the message…”You slap me; I obliterate you”
    You can not “defend” against terrorism…. it can be slowed but not stopped. You must make the price too high for the terrorist to risk.

    FINALLY No one said Iraq would attack America…. they said Iraq could attack America…. There was ample justification to invade Iraq…. both legally and militarily….many justifications not the least of which was Iraq had WMDs…. If you want a list….if you want the facts I will send them to you…. but Iraq did have and even used WMD’s against us…. they were NOT “imaginary”…. you need to do better research and not listen to the media lies ….. the threat was real

  2. Kaykay

    Glenn Beck doesn’t even matter. Why do so many people value his opinion and get angry over it?

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