What to expect at cheerleading or poms tryouts?

Question by Forever_Lost: What to expect at cheerleading or poms tryouts?
I’m planning on trying out for my high school’s poms squad in April. What kind of things do they look for? What should I expect? And what can I do to prepare for it?

Best answer:

Answer by M Dawg
pom and cheer leading are 2 different things
cheer leading is mostly cheering your team on
where pom is dancing
if ur trying out for pom
be expected to learn the basics
such as right and left turns to the left
toe touches clie..plies
and be expected to be able to do splits..all three ways

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2 thoughts on “What to expect at cheerleading or poms tryouts?

  1. Aero-Smith

    My advice is to ask one of the girls that is already on the team or someone that has tried out.

    Good luck I hope you make it- I was on the dance team for my high school…It was a blast , I made friends and memories that will last a lifetime…


  2. beth ann

    at all the cheerleading tryouts i have gone thru, we always have to learn how to do 3 cheers and only perform 2 of them. learn alot of different lifts and jumps and do as many as you know how to do and you gets points for however many you do and how good they were. we also have to make up a short cheer and/or a short dance.

    its easy…kind of nerve racking i know but all in all it is a great experience! just practice practice practice and be confident in yourself. you can do it!

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