Trying out for cheerleading squad tips?

Question by I love Paris: Trying out for cheerleading squad tips?
I am in 7th grade right now and when I get to high school I want to try out for the cheerleading squad. Does anyone have tips on cheerleading like who decided who is on the cheer squad, what are the requirements for a cheerleader, and stuff like that. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Lina
There are a lot of things you may want to prepare for.
First, make sure you wear spirit colors to tryouts. If your school colors are red && black (like mine) then you should wear red && black. They need to know that you’re spirited.
Second, make sure you’re LOUD && you stand out. Don’t stand in the back, get in the front && be spirited. When you’re doing a cheer be as loud as you can, no matter how shy you are.
Third, you may want to start stretching out && practicing your jumps && maybe even tumbling. Most high school cheer squads don’t require that you be able to tumble, but it’s always a great thing to have. They most likely will test you on jumps, probably your toe-touch, pike, && herkie. So be ready for that.
Last, maybe you should become friends with the captain. That’s always a plus ;D

They’ll probably have you memorize && do a cheer or two, && maybe a short dance to go along with it. Then probably test your jumps. That’s what most squads do. They might even interview you (we do! :D)
If you have no cheer experience, you may want to befriend somebody who does to help you out.
Be peppy, spirited, && stand out!
Do NOT be shy.
&& always try your best (:

What do you think? Answer below!

2 thoughts on “Trying out for cheerleading squad tips?

  1. Karter212

    First off cheering is a wonderful sport to do in highschool! Your goingto make friends with the older girls and highschool is going to become soo much more fun!

    Well Def. start to strech…if you cant already try to get a split down…if your that far try making up cheers or look then up so you can get an idea of what your going to be doing.

    Next start running becuase when you start cheering you going to be doing that a LOT! Also try to lift weight if your going to be lifting someone everyday you will want your arms to sorta have some strenth on them for try-outs!

    Also go and ask some older girls how they got on the team….maybe take some tumbling claasses (I did this and it helped soooo much) this can get you to do a back hand spring in no time!

    Also rembmer HAVE FUN!

    Have a wonderful night and a great morning tommorow!

  2. jplusdforever12

    I am currently a 9th grade jv cheerleader. I had never done cheer before but I started preparing in 8th grade.
    – Take Tumbling Classes. It is good to at least have a back handspring.

    – Stretch Everyday. I was so inflexible but I stretched everyday and now I am a flyer.

    -Learn Jumps and Motions. Look up videos on youtube and practice the motions in your mirror and jumps outside.

    – If you know any cheerleaders that are on the squad now contact them. I had a friend that helped me out so much!

    I wish I would have started preparing in 7th grade like you. I would be such a better cheerleader. But it can be done!!! It’s just really important to take tumbling classes and if you are small and would be a flyer you could go to flyer classes. Hope this helps! GOOD LUCK 🙂

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