Q&A: What makes people think that competitive cheerleading is not a sport?

Question by Kaitlyn_Cheer01: What makes people think that competitive cheerleading is not a sport?
many people think that gymnastics is a sport. if you have ever payed attention to competiitive cheer (not high school cheer) there is actually a lott to it. we have a guy on my squad (i swear he is not gay!) he says after one practice he was dying and SO sore. he even mentioned it was harder than football.

so what makes people think its not a sport.
we do not stand around and just chant. that would be high school cheer. not competitive.

any reasons?

Best answer:

Answer by Penny
It’s not productive… it’s like, between one of those useless things and dance (which is an art, and is fab)… what’s the point of competitive cheer? What are you cheering for? lol It’s one of those silly American things.

Cheerleaders cheer during sports? … so how is it a sport itself?

Why don’t you cut the useless cheering, and dance or do gymnastics? or both?

Everyone can cheer if they want to… :S There isn’t a technique or anything to it.

I would say that cheerleading is an art, more than is it a sport though… but to call cheerleading an art is even stretching it.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 thoughts on “Q&A: What makes people think that competitive cheerleading is not a sport?

  1. zvo

    Just my opinion. I think that sport can be measured by objective outcomes, so chess can be a sport but dance shouldn’t.

    You run into problems when you use subjective outcomes like left hand waves are in this year and are marked highly but next year they may be out and in five years time they’re back in fashion, too much can be attributed to bias of judges – this comps judges lean toward long purple skirts.

    The examples I gave are indicative only, as you can see I have no knowledge of cheerleading, yes it is energetic, hard to do well and you can cheerlead for me anytime 🙂

  2. Sarah

    I’m not sure exactly how the stereotype started. But I know it has something to do with all the movies. In the movies the cheerleaders are always the popular ditsy ones. They’ve just recently started making a bunch of movies on the actual sport it is so everyone who’s seen the older movies has it in their head that cheerleading is for ditsy girls.

  3. Liliana

    Just a question:
    What exactly is the point of competitive cheer? Who are you cheering for? In high school cheer, you cheer for your high school team, which is fine. The whole point of “cheerleading” is to pump up a crowd and cheer for your team, but if you are in a competitive league, then who are you cheering for?

  4. linds and syd

    i do not know…i have no idea whats going on in their heads if they dont think competitive cheerleading is a sport. i mean…come on! have they seen what we do? its so annoying when they say like all you do is stand around and yell go team go. first of all i dont think i have ever even said go team go…and we dont root for a school team for competitive. it is totally different! what you see at the football games is completley different then what you will see at a cheer competition. we stunt, tumble, work hard, train, condition, and dance. PLUS we have to keep a smile on our face. really there is something wrong with you if you dont think competitive cheerleading is a sport.

    oh and to the person above me, we dont really even cheer in competitive….i mean…we do more dance and tumbling and stunting. but i suppose we cheer for our gym and for our team.

  5. Anh-Thy

    because people usually follow movies as influence because in movies cheerleaders act stupid and do nothing but cheer and probably people don’t think of that as a sport

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