Is Palin playing hardball with the big boys or is she more a sideline cheerleader? ?

Question by Violation Notice: Is Palin playing hardball with the big boys or is she more a sideline cheerleader? ?
If she plays hardball with the big boys..why are some questions off limits?

Is her sport dodgeball?

Best answer:

Answer by O’Really
she’s hiding from the press

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

15 thoughts on “Is Palin playing hardball with the big boys or is she more a sideline cheerleader? ?

  1. Erin

    dodgeball. she’s now “pressuring” the probe in troopergate to stop…i dunno but that raises some red flags with me.

  2. mrstockbond

    She is an amazing woman, very smart, very tough. She is a female version of Ronald Reagan.

    Just wait and see.

  3. Valerie B

    Its a smart move on her part. In case you havent noticed the press is out to crucify her. She smart enough to not go play on the freeway.

    She is slowly making her way out. Dont worry she’ll be knocking your socks off soon.

  4. Apple21

    Her game is cronyism, favortism, extremism and bullying. If she likes you…you get to be in her administration. If she doesn’t like you…you get fired!

  5. u_bin_called

    Well, she certainly caused Obama to vanish from media coverage…

    …the “Strident and Self-Righteous Finger Waggers” who so loved to chant praise for Obama have now found something else to fulfil their need for baseless anger…

    …no loss really….it’s not like any of them actually take the time out to vote or anything like that…

  6. The Planet

    Neither. She’s not even showing up for the game. Why are they still keeping her away from the press and from questions from the people at their events?

  7. Jack X

    She’s not even in the stadium. Her handlers have her tucked away somewhere far from prying eyes.

  8. Lacy

    OMG, finally, a group of people who think like I do. She is for sure a cheerleader for dodgeball and it’s right there for everyone to see.

  9. Rastaman

    What big boys is she shying away from? Some main stream media seem pretty childlike, lately.

  10. treatfaerie

    The Republicans assured us that she was a quick study and would be up to speed on issues soon. But they are still hiding her away. Her interviews are only granted to hand picked reporters that are known for keeping a respectful posture. She’s not being allowed to sit with the real pundits.

    In the mean time, the press, knowing it has just a few weeks to tell us about this candidate has found a number of relevant issues in her background. They aren’t out to hang her anymore than the others, but they are having to do the job in a bit of a rush so it comes out in concentrated form!

    The issue that I find most alarming in her background deals with her consistently failing to fund police when dealing with rape and domestic abuse.

  11. Charles Foster Mc Kane

    She’s the magicians assistant. Her job is to distract you while the Democrats and Republican pick your pockets. Forget about her “its the economy stupid” James Carville.

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