Is cheerleading considered popular in schools?

Question by Marina: Is cheerleading considered popular in schools?
I’m not american and i dont live in america and so we dont do cheerleading at my school…so i was just wandering that if you do cheereading are you popular? or has cheerleading gone down-hill.and its not so popular as it was before..and if you do cheerleading you wouldn’t be so popular as before..just wandering..

Best answer:

Answer by nuvio
It is popular to a certain degree. Being that you’d be popular with most likely jock type people. It certainly does not grant you to be popular with the entire school.

hope this helps.

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11 thoughts on “Is cheerleading considered popular in schools?

  1. Lucy-Jayne

    well i guess it kinda depends on the type of school you go to in my last school in LA it was the thing to be but then going to england alot of people just think its superficial and too americanised but whatever if its something you wanna do it then start one at yout school and see how it goes

    just remember it might not make you popular but its not always a good thing if you are, you should just be happy with who you are and im sure your popular amongst your friends 8]

  2. titacabreros

    Cheerleading is very popular in America, and if you are a cheerleader you are expected to be pretty, witty and a knockout body beautiful. Cheers for the cheerleaders.

  3. Syd

    Im a cheerleader and I still sit with what people consider the nerds at lunch. To be a cheerleader you do not have to be preppy, pretty, or popular. I do not consider myself pretty, I certainly am not popular and I am very very shy. I know a emo cheerleader and she is very good. It honestly is not like it is in movies at all. In my school cheering is considered a joke and I really hate it. The thing is its not just girls in short skirts going rah rah go team yay like it was in the 50’s. We compete at competitions and try to be the best like any other sport. There are some cheerleader like myself who don’t only cheer for high school, they do all-stars. All-stars is all year round and much more intense than high school cheering. We compete every weekend from december to may and practice almost everyday, even if we don’t have practice we have to go to the gym to tumble. So please next time you think of cheerleaders think of them as athletes not as stuck up brats because most of us aren’t. Here is one of my favorit cheering routines just to help you see what we do (this is not my team or even my gym but they where amazing at final destination and almost as good as us.) Enjoy!!!!!

  4. L!ZZi3

    It’s like any other sport.
    Cheerleaders come off as being a popular group.
    But thats a sterotype.
    Schools vary, at my school, the cheerleaders aren’t a big thing.
    The Swim team has more attention than cheerleading.
    You’re not really considered popular at my school, if you’re a cheerleader.
    Popularity at my school isn’t deteremined by what sports or clubs you’re in, it’s just the group of friends you hang aorund. It has nothing to do with doing a certain sport.

  5. Katarina A.

    You are considered “popular” to the girls who want to be cheerleaders.
    You are considered “normal” to your peers.
    But labels are rather stupid.

  6. ilovecheer

    honestly, not to be mean or anything but it’s usually more popular in “white” schools. pretty much in the area with a lot of rich or moderately rich people that live there. because cheerleading is expensive. but i think that over all cheerleading is getting more popular. it’s spreading to other countries.

  7. zoe_babes14

    well im a cheerleader, but im not really popular so much.. i know more people because of it. however its not like im being invited to parties and stuff.
    I have become friends with the more popular girls because they are in the cheer team. they were already popular though.

    i live in california

  8. haleyy:)

    im a cheerleader, and i sit with different people. sometimes i will sit with ” nobodies “, but they are my friends. But, i still talk to populae people and im semi popular. but as some other user said, the people who consider you popular are usually the ones who are younger, or same age, and want to be cheerleaders but arent good enough

  9. Harry_Potter_lover<3

    usually it’s pretty popular. and a lot of t.v. shows portray cheerleaders as popular in them. but in reality at most schools, cheerleading isn’t considered a way to gain popularity. although some rising frosh think it is. it’s just another activity to add to your resume. at my school. none of the cheerleaders are popular. because the popular people don’t try out. they either think it’s a joke or think it’s not a sport. so i’d say. no, cheerleading isn’t considered popular in schools. and i feel like people should try out because they love cheering and not because they want to be popular.

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