If i am a male cheerleader for my school will i have to wear the same thing as the girls?

Question by cheerdudelikesskirts: If i am a male cheerleader for my school will i have to wear the same thing as the girls?
Ok, so i joined the cheerleading squadand i was wondering what i would have to wear. the same thing they do? if so how can hide my package? and should i shave my legs or anything or what?

Best answer:

Answer by Heyy
um well you obviously won’t if they wear skirts or something and i dont think you should shave your legs; i mean as a male cheerleader you’re already giving off the impression that you’re gay. (no offense if you are) just trim your leg hair if it’s like beastly.

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7 thoughts on “If i am a male cheerleader for my school will i have to wear the same thing as the girls?

  1. Amberly

    no you wont
    youll probably get male cheer pants which dont show your package(:
    and a shirt type thingy(:

    dont shave your legs;if you dont want to 😀

    nothing will be exposed!

  2. Naisa G

    In general, male cheerleaders wear sweatpants or track pants and a school t-shirt. All of which should be provided by your school. At practice, you should just wear a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  3. kuhnem

    Hate to disappoint you but they probably will have you wear pants. No leg shaving involved. Unless you want to.

  4. Elise

    No, you get a different outfit. It will probably be sweat pants, or a jersey pant. They may also give you shorts. The top could be a t-shirt or a sweatshirt. It just depends on what they have.

    Now, on the very slim chance that you will have to wear their uniforms, they make special underwear to help with your “package”.

    And no, don’t shave your legs.

    Have fun cheerleading…

  5. h4x0rch1x

    Male cheerleaders usually wear a t-shirt or tank top that matches the girls’ tops, then sweatpants or stretchy track-style pants in one of the school colors and whatever kind of shoes that should be used for cheerleading.

  6. Matthew V

    No, you’ll probably dress something like the Yell Leaders at Texas A&M University. Remember, cheerleading was originally an all-male thing.

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