How do i make the cheerleading squad?

Question by Taryn: How do i make the cheerleading squad?
I need some tips and tricks on how to make my score better and get in the squad.Any help?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex
Show some breasts and some buttocks and act really ditzy! Like OMG you’re already in.

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3 thoughts on “How do i make the cheerleading squad?

  1. Vicki

    be Very peppy happy and smile always when trying out. plane a routine and music to go with it. throw in some flips and dance movies, cartwheels and tumbles. If your not strong in one area make up for it in the others. Good luck and make sure you say im really happy to be here with a smile!

  2. Emily

    well, make sure you have a cheer, dance, and tumbling done and prepared. make sure your moves and sharp and you can even like record yourself with a camera and critque yourself (: if you dont have good tumbling throw the hardest thing you can do (SAFELY)— it shows youre willing to try 😀

  3. Audrey♥

    Here are some important tips and tricks to ace your tryout, like you asked:

    1. In order to make the team, you should start preparing at least 3 months ahead of time, so when tryouts eventually roll around you’ll feel and look your best and be in tip-top shape, ready to ace your tryout.

    2. Take a dance and/or tumbling class. Take a stunting clinic if the squad does stunting.

    3. Stretch every day to loosen your muscles and get flexible and limber. An insider tip- stretch after a hot bath or shower because your muscles will be less tight then and it will help you.

    4. Try to eat healthier, and drink more water.

    5. To increase strength, lift small weights (about 5 pounds) and/or jog, run, do sit-ups, etc.

    6. Practice your dance moves, motions, jumps at home when you can. Here is a list of the main cheerleading motions and jumps:
    -High V
    -Low V
    -Broken T
    -K (Left and Right)
    -Toe Touch
    -Front Hurdler

    The Splits

    All movements in cheerleading (dance moves, arm motions, jumps, tumbling and stunts) must be tight, sharp, and clean. They have to really tight, almost stiff, and always be on point. Nice and sharp, never sloppy. You have to really HIT those movements with all you’ve got!

    7. Something that would really give a boost to your score, your chances of making the team and impress the judges would to be to have a skill that is not required (as an extra to show during your tryout or to add on the end of a dance or cheer). Even if the squad you’re trying out for is mostly dance, if you could do, for example, a round-off back handspring into the splits, just a back handspring or anything like that, it will really give you a big boost.

    8. Have a good cheer voice. Cheerleaders must be heard across basketball courts and football fields, so they have to be loud- but not screechy! A good cheer voice is loud, but steady, clear and comes from your diaphragm, no screaming. And don’t sing the words! Look up a video on how to do it or ask someone.

    9. Show your spirit! Judges want to see cheerleaders who are enthusiastic and supportive about their school and have lots of spirit. Step outside the box and do something the other girls aren’t- something unique and fun that’ll set you apart and show how much you care. Wear a hair ribbon in the school’s colors, paint or draw a #1 or the school’s mascot or logo on your face, lace your shoes with the school colors! Anything you think will show spirit.

    10. Smile and be peppy! This is really important, because it shows off your personality, your enthusiasm and energy and will show the judges that you’re enjoying what you’re doing. Smile big the whole time you’re cheering or dancing! Facials are also important. Something cute to add on to the end of a dance or cheer- open your mouth, smile big and give a wink!

    11. Have confidence, and don’t let your nerves get to you. No matter what you’re feeling inside you have to always seem cool, calm, collected and ready for anything. Though judges understand that girls trying out get nervous, they won’t think you’re ready to be a cheerleader if you’re so nervous that you’re stuttering on your cheer, constantly messing up on the dance or shaking in your shoes! Never give up and never show that you’re scared. Act like you’re the most self-assured person on the planet and keep on smiling through whatever happens.

    12. Last but FOR SURE not least, try your best- just give it your all! Smile your biggest, brightest smile, jump as high as you can and hit those dance moves as hard as you can. Even if you stumble on a couple steps, if you keep going and smiling like nothing ever happened and give it everything you’ve got, the judges will take notice and be impressed with your enthusiasm and drive, and they’ll know that you really want to make to team. So just do your best, because at the end of the day, that’s all you CAN do!

    Good luck, girl! I hope my advice helped you 🙂

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