How can i prove Cheerleading IS a sport?

Question by YourMostBeautifulNitemare: How can i prove Cheerleading IS a sport?
OKAYYY so i’m sure all of the cheerleaders out there are in the same boat i am. I am constantly dealing with those people who are always saying you arent a real athelete, cheerleading isnt a real sport, blah blah blah. Im constanly arguing with them, and it really bothers me that they just assume its not a sport because of a stupid court ruling. (which i have no idea even existed) My coach tells us just to say it is a sport, but how can i give them foolproof evidence??

Best answer:

Answer by Stupid Punk Loves Nirvana
You can’t, becuz it’s not

What do you think? Answer below!

13 thoughts on “How can i prove Cheerleading IS a sport?

  1. Bakuryu The Pheonix

    Cheerleading isn’t a sport, its nothing but a bunch of lil girls jumping around yelling crap to get the crowd moved more into the game.

  2. Kemurther Ekkivid

    um… its not really a sport but you can say its a sport because you exercise alot in it :/

  3. robert_dod

    Well, there’s cheer leading, and there’s competitive cheer leading. (I will get to the part you want near the end, so let an old man ramble):

    First, cheer leading is, by definition, leading cheers. Traditionally, it is to lead cheers for a team. You are supporting a sports team, you are not the sports team. Whether you do neat tricks, it is to lead the cheers to support a team.

    Then there is competitive cheer leading, which is a whole different kettle of fish. There, you are entertaining and competing in your own right.

    So, how do you prove it is a sport? I would rephrase the term entirely. The problem is that as a sport, you would think you have competition with others. Competitive cheer leading is certainly that. Second, it should take athletic skills. I’m thinking that the gymnastics, lifts, and coordination would make this qualify. Third, it takes endurance, cardiovascular effort, and skill. These are all athletic skills.

    Compare this to other “sports”. There is diving. Diving off a board takes no cardio vascular effort. It is truly a skill, but you are simply judged on your gymnastic movements off the board. You practice on dry land (just like cheerleaders). The difference is, once you do your run, you get out of the water, dry off, and get ready for another dive. In cheer leading, you go directly to another pass, then another then another.

    So, there can be no doubt that cheer leading is an athletic skills activity, but is it a sport?

    According to the World English Dictionary (, a sport is:

    an individual or group activity pursued for exercise or pleasure, often involving the testing of physical capabilities and taking the form of a competitive game such as football, tennis, etc

    Assuming that the person you are talking to is speaking English, cheer leading IS a sport. And if they do not even know the basic definitions of a word (and are incapable of using a dictionary), why are you worried about their opinion?

  4. Osa

    Interesting question, before you prove to them you need to be able to prove to yourself. First what is a sport? An activity which uses physical movement to convey entertainment. If you look at it, golf barely compares to the movements of cheerleading. Yet golf is a sport. Running and Biking are sports.

    This is how you prove to them, however rather the real question is why should you prove to them? Are you gonna get some kind of award? Some kind of recognition? Are they going to respect you more when you show them you know more than them? The real answer I want to give to your question is, be the bigger person and understand that arguing with your friends does nothing but sever your ties, much less arguing with people you are not friends with. Rather why do you care so much? If you believe it is a sport, it is a sport. If they believe otherwise, so be it.

    In life you will meet people with polar opposite beliefs, if you try to force yours unto theirs you will get nothing but the negative of what you want. Best of Luck

  5. Alicia

    Some people just don’t want to except that things that arn’t 100% “manly” is a sport. I feel the same way about dance

  6. Alle D

    first of all, people make fun of cheerleading because of this:
    girls: theyre jealous as heck ๐Ÿ™‚
    boys: theyre macho idiots

    the reason cheerleading wasn’t ruled as an actual sport in the court ruling was because it has so much MORE to it that it couldnt be ruled as a sport. we have a variety of things we have to do to become good cheerleaders. the defenition of sport is an activity that requires physical movement or excersise, and competes occaisionally.

    last time i checked, cheerleading is very physically difficult, and i compete ๐Ÿ™‚

    cheerleading is very difficult! id like to see any of the wussies who commented negatively on this try and lift a 115 pound girl in the air ๐Ÿ˜‰
    theyre just jealous because were active, entertaining, happy, and pretty ๐Ÿ™‚
    hope this helped!

  7. megannnn

    competitive cheerleading is a sport.
    a sport is competing, and well competitive cheerelading we do a lot.
    sideline cheer for football or basket ball isn’t a sport though.

    i am a cheerleader and it is really hard to convince people.
    nothing really changes there mind.

    as cheerleaders you just have to ignore them,
    your not doing the SPORT to show them its a sport your doing it because its what you love.
    so just try your hardest to ignore them cause what there really doing is trying to make you mad.

    as long as you know in your heart competitive cheer is a sport thats all that matters ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Ken P

    Why is it that cheerleaders get so bent out of shape about whether someone considers what you do a sport of not. If you enjoy doing it that do it and donโ€™t worry about it. I grew up in bowling leagues and people would say โ€˜it not a sportโ€™ and I just responded so what it fun. Itโ€™s irrelevant what others think.

  9. jody

    i agree. cheerleading is definately a sport. i dont care what anyone says about. I KNOW it is. its SO much more than just jumping around in a short skirt. & when you compare it to the definition of a sport, it qualifies. its so stupid. i mean, it takes so much more skill than alot of other sports. i mean really, GOLF is considered a sport but cheerleading isnt!? im pretty sure we compete. cheerleading is also reallly physically commanding. just as physically commanding as basketball. we take arms, legs, foot, head, hands to the FACE and get up & keep going even when it hurts. we have way more injuries than other sports too. we tumble till we drop, we do the routine full out 26547823689897 times a practice. we condition for another hour or two after that! so people dont know what theyre talking about when they say its not a sport. just dont mind them, they cant help their ignorance. when people say its not a sport, just tell them to try it because its not as easy as they think. (:

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