25 thoughts on “World Cup – Twinkles

  1. musicvidbudzWandT

    OMG! Look at the guy at the bottom left corner at 2:00 all the way to 2:43 ! hes goona crack u up!!

  2. rsmistletoe3

    hahaha omg i LOVE the part where its like “when i grow up, i wanna be a shooting star!” that was soooooooo perfect!!!

  3. dubblfull4evr

    I lived how the whole crowd gave that girl a standing ovation after she landed her last pass!!! It was awesome!!!! World cup, world domination lol

  4. SlakersJules

    Hey, nice job!!
    Can anyone pls tell me, which song starts at 0:21 and 1:49??? Thank you.. 😉

  5. kekemimi99

    :O<--- is all i did when this video was finished. i am in allstars and i still havent got my back hand spring :/ and they're ALL doing back tucks...

  6. dubblfull4evr

    they are sooooo CUTE!!!!! and i luv how the crowd goes wild after that girl lands her last pass lol

  7. jadaware987

    What division is this senior junior youth or what? They look so little but the routine cute and wonderful>

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