Why are there less asians in cheerleading?

Question by TwilightLover: Why are there less asians in cheerleading?
Why are there less asians in cheerleading? Cause after seeing the cheerleaders in the yearbook, i saw only 1 asian out of like 10 whites/hispanic. Will i be the onyl asian in cheerleading next year? Will I be a loner in the squad?

Best answer:

Answer by Richard K
Not “less” Asians. FEWER Asians !

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Why are there less asians in cheerleading?

  1. iCheer

    you prob will be the only asian
    highly doubt you will be a loner
    i am the only black and i am not a loner….
    and the asians probably dont like it well idk why haha=)

  2. Baby C

    maybe because they dont like cheer. or maybe they graduated. it really doesnt matter your race, just your skills. you will bond with your team and it wont matter at all. so just give it your all! good luck!

  3. ?

    I’m an asian cheerleader, in my school, & I actually kinda like it, because I’m speacial & I stand out more, because of my skin tone 🙂 You won’t be a loner, unless you make friends with your cheer mates, like I did 🙂

  4. khmaigurl

    i personally think its because us asians dont really have that look. Not meant to be racist or anything but the blonde hair blue eyes, and thats normally what you see on a movie as a cheerleader. You might be the only asian on your time but def take pride in that. Good luck 🙂

  5. Edward+Me4eva

    at my school, i bunch of my asian gf’s are cheerleaders!

    i think that the uniforms are supperr cute

    and btw,

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