What are some fun cheerleading sidelines for a high school varsity or college squad?

Question by swweeeetttt: What are some fun cheerleading sidelines for a high school varsity or college squad?
What are some fun cheerleading sidelines for a high school varsity or college squad?
i need some new cheerleading cheers or sidelines to introduce to my squad.
any interesting one?

Best answer:

Answer by jbballer0008
a catchy line with the teams name

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2 thoughts on “What are some fun cheerleading sidelines for a high school varsity or college squad?

  1. MISS 84

    Do you mean sideline chants or cheers? If so, here is one:
    1st and ten, w-i-n, let’s win, x x tonight. (the “x” mean clap). We we performed this we did it in a ripple like: group one goes on 1st and w. Group two on go on “and” and “i”, and group three goes on “ten” and “n”. And everyone goes together for the rest. It is kind of hard to explain without showing it physically.

    How about Varsity! It goes : Hey, hey, (school name), Varsity!

    And it is repeated over and over about 3 times.

    Just remembered my favorite: B-B-E-E-A-A-T-T, Hey you, get beaten by who, get beaten by the (your mascot).

    Repeat like a usually chant.

  2. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!! - Susan

    I always like the old…
    Push ’em back, Push ’em back, Way back! (Just be sure your team is on defense – the other team has the ball)

    Here’s another for when your team is on offense (has the ball)
    S-C-O-R-E, S-C-O-R-E, Score, team Score!

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