We Told You So

We’ve been saying it was a hoax for a while. WE WERE RIGHT!! 😀 By the way, sub to this guy, to which i borrowed the footage from. www.youtube.com/nykytyne2 By the way, I took the flu vaccine 2 months ago. I am neither breaking out into seizures or talking with a cockney accent.
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25 thoughts on “We Told You So

  1. JuiceMalouse

    oh god what the fuck?

    I’ve had the flu before but I didn’t start talking like the sniper for no reason

  2. Fatal616

    if you watch videos on youtube by searching “dystonia” you’ll see the symptoms come and go, weird things happen in the brain they can’t explain. so is this a hoax? hard to say without actually meeting her. i wouldn’t call someone as a liar without actually knowing if they were one. merely speculation.

  3. noliesundead

    no it was 5 seconds
    and i gave you the exact time it started and ended equaling 5 seconds
    stop Dodging me and give me my prize you fraud

  4. silkcat51


    The rule is 5-second smile.
    There is no hoax if both she and the reporter state that when she is running, all the symptoms disappear…and then, lo and behold!!! They do.
    How many times do I have to spell it out to you?
    That’s a 3-second smile before she starts to fall and loses it completely, anyway.
    You shouldn’t have taken that shot — maybe you’d still have 2 brain cells to run together.

  5. jasepercy1

    yeah, but then the cow started to stay something about not being able to pronounce words properly. Thanks very much, I’m Australian and my accent does not stop me from pronounce words properly.

  6. silkcat51

    The US website, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has published statistics of adverse reactions to H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine.
    So far, as of January 22, 2010:
    8,755 reports
    564 classified as “Serious Health Events” (defined as “death, major disability, abnormal conditions at birth, hospitalization, or extension of existing hospitalization”) Of that #
    42 American deaths
    all are “under investigation” RIP
    About 500 new reports come to VAERS each week of adverse reactions to the vax.

  7. DickyHertz

    She say’s “I still have a lot of cognitive issues.” Yeah, we noticed — you’re a fucking idiot.

  8. partnersingaming

    i just got the shot, i basically have the same symptoms of the common cold now, stuffy nose and sore throat, but, thats not to bad, i dont even think the vaccine had anything to do with it

  9. TehHoodieD

    The swine flu shot did actually make me sick and it made my armpit swollen and in pain for a few weeks but that’s it. There were no mental effects, I also recovered from the problems and I’m perfectly fine. So I was one of the people who suffered side effects but people will heal from them.

  10. robokill387

    wow. just wow. you conspiracy theorists come up with the stupidest things to try and deflect criticism. no rebuttal, just ignoring and excuse making.

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