25 thoughts on “The Shower Scene – For What It’s Worth

  1. SandraSorrow

    wow. simply amazing. this is a million times softer than what id normally listen to but i love it! <3

  2. MrLoserface240

    simply simple..
    and good?!
    how amaizing. i found this by accident, and i love the sound, and the voice!
    thumbs up<3

  3. AirBearspankx

    I don’t understand how you guys aren’t signed yet ! But none the less, they’re doing great on their own. Amazing voice, guitar, everything’s fantastic xD

  4. Harliquingurl95

    This is like my all time favorite song at the moment, absaloute love, glad I found you guyss ^^ <3

  5. intoxica108

    Saw ya in the limelight a year or two ago with Saving Aimee and Go:audio, been looking for your ep. Amazing music ^^

  6. MrDazzaG

    It baffles me how people this completely awesome aren’t signed yet people like lady gaga are,

    whats wrong with the world?

    Goodluck guys, you are awesome [:

  7. brotherwhereartthou1

    @TheShowerScene1 Same as jadecrombie1 I found this by accident, and LOVE it! great song and amazing vocals.. 🙂 I subscribed and look forward to seeing you guys in concert some day! May not mean much, but Iowa has your support! 🙂

  8. AnnaMariaPureblood

    I’ve been band hunting for the past few days and just found these guys they’re awesome! sound slightly like coheed and cambria on vocals i’d never expect that voice to come out of that guys mouth but its awesome!!!!

  9. PanicBaaby

    been looking for this song for ages after hearing it and forgetting what it was called, so glad i found it =]

  10. jadecrombie1

    I actually love these guys and hope they come to Liverpool! Or for that matter i would deffo travel just to see them! x

  11. 1pr1nces1

    *hears first line* oohh *-*
    *hears first chorus* ♥♥ *faves*
    I’m showing this to my best friend!
    love from holland 😉

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