22 thoughts on “Strong Bad Episode 2 Extra 3 Cave Girl Squad.

  1. YoshiAngemon

    @Switchfoot333 Well, if they end up making a sequel to SBCG4AP, maybe they can have an episode with Space CaptainFace, and we can see Banang: Official Banana-flavored powdered drink mix of the Strong Badian Administration of Some Aluminum Foil. Fun to drink, even MORE fun to say.

    BANAAAANG! BANAAAANG! BANAAAANG! BANAAANG! *someone tosses it aside*

  2. brawler265

    can somebody please send me a code for 1000 wii points? i really want episode 3!!!
    -Thanks brawler

  3. Switchfoot333

    “Some sort of cheesy cross-promotional marketing tie-in?!? Oh well. Free shirt.”


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