Saturday Night Live 682 (Se 36 Ep 02) Bryan Cranston – Kid Smartz

synopsis: Live from New York, it’s… Andy Samberg! Sketches include “Emanuel Bows Out,” “Pepto-Bismol Ice,” “The Miley Cyrus Show,” “What Up With That?,” “Shanna the Cheerleader,” “Rescue Dogs 3D” (Digital Short), “Kid Smartz,” “Biennan Brothers Concert,” “Henry’s Self-Defense Lesson,” and…
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25 thoughts on “Saturday Night Live 682 (Se 36 Ep 02) Bryan Cranston – Kid Smartz

  1. WhatsAYak

    @dnvrmom – While I agree that Jesse def doesn’t get it, this skit was at least partly inspired by the early 80s Canadian game show Just Like Mom…check out some clips of it on here, and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. WhatsAYak

    @Jesse859 – If the writers of SP are “liberal sickos”, why was Team America: World Police (a film written by SP creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone) named 24th in the National Review’s list of “Best Conservative Movies”? Not to mention that Parker’s a registered Libertarian, and Stone has been quoted as saying “I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals”…do a little research on the subject next time.

  3. aaronwasiswillbe

    @dnvrmom It still isn’t funny. And it is pedophilia to a degree, which means ‘child love,’

  4. MoMoMel908

    After watching this, whenever someone asked me a yes or no question, I’d always say, “Yeah” like Andy… xDDD

  5. dnvrmom

    @Jesse859 OK Jesse, let’s take our meds and calm down. And where are you getting your stats? SNL’s ratings have been the best in yrs. If you saw pedophilia in that sketch, you’re the “sicko.” If this world has gone mad, you went first. The Kid Smartz title has nothing to do with some 70’s game show. It was a reference to Cranston’s much more serious organization. The whole show was ironic, hysterical and CRAZY! Just cuz you don’t get it, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t get it.

  6. Baldenlong77


    It’s based on a real old Canadian game show from the Seventies. Look up “Just Like Mom” and “Creepy Host” on YouTube.

  7. Jesse859

    Apparently, the writters of SNL find pedophilia funny. I can’t say that I am surprised since they are a buch a depraved liberals. SNL has gone down hill for a while now, but this is definetly a new low for this pathetic show.

    The liberal sickos who write South Park find pedophilia funny to, so this is not even the least bit surprising to me. This world has gone mad.

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