Q&A: what are some cheers and chants good for cheerleading try-outs?

Question by allie: what are some cheers and chants good for cheerleading try-outs?
my name is allyson and im trying out for cheerleading and i was wondering if anyone has an idea of a cheer they made up. for cheerleading tryouts i need to have my own cheer and chant. It has to be original and has to be somthing no one has ever heard about! Please help me make it to cheerleading!

Best answer:

Answer by iloveu21222
If your the one trying out and you have to make the cheer or chant make one up and don’t ask other people to do it.

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2 thoughts on “Q&A: what are some cheers and chants good for cheerleading try-outs?

  1. Mark.the.answer

    Nothing beats the usual, “Give me an A!”

    C’mon, i agree the first answer, think of your own chant or sumthin. A great cheerLEADER knows how to create chants and cheers!

    Never Give up, you can do it my friend.

  2. babyhun

    ok, i would suggest doing a herky, then a spread eagle, then a tuck jump while saying ur team name, like for example panthers. so heres what to say: _______s _______s we got pride _______s we’ll win everytime, i became a cheerleader just for doing this

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