Q&A: tips on becoming a high school cheerleader?

Question by watch it homie. :]]: tips on becoming a high school cheerleader?
im wanting to try out for my highschool cheer squad next year, so im getting ready for it now. do u know wat high school cheer coaches look for? any tips on making the squad? cheer camps in the Los Angeles area? past experiences? what coaches really look for? anything to help mee please tell…thanks so much.

Best answer:

Answer by waitalgamer85
Well if you have been in cheer a long time, think about what passed teams looked for. Make sure your at the top of your game. Practice what you know, and do it to the best of your ability. other than that, I would go to google.com type in “+cheer +forums” and see if you can find a cheerleading forums to talk with other girls and see if they can’t give you some direct tips maybe. Just rember they can only expect the best you can do, and if that isn’t good enough, then its their loss, another team will accept your skills.

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5 thoughts on “Q&A: tips on becoming a high school cheerleader?

  1. kibodanzaliebe

    I was on my high school’s dance team and we oftentimes worked with the cheer squad. I’m so glad you’re trying out for the cheer squad! So many people don’t understand the dedication and physical ability required to be a cheerleader/dancer….

    Anyway, to answer your first question: the top thing cheer coaches are keen to look for (besides obvious skill) is SPUNK and ENTHUSIASM. What does this mean? When you cheer, smile proundly and confidently, shout the words loudly and clearly (and like you mean it!!), execute your movements sharply. As a cheerleader, you are supposed to give verbal encouragement to your team as well as pump up the crowd. The perkier and confident you are, the better cheerleader you’ll be. To make sure you smile all the time, put Vasolin on your teeth. To make sure you shout, practice at home (or in a secluded place) and with a friend. Have her stand aways off and shout your loudest and see if she heard you. To make sure you execute sharply, videotape yourself doing some cheers or dances. You should never feel like you did a move “too much”. We always overestimate how much force we’re putting into a move.

    Second question: Read above paragraph. It also helps to practice some simple technique, like cartwheels, if your team does technique. Also, increase your flexibility by stretching for 30 minutes everyday. If you can’t do the splits, go as far as you can everyday and hold the position for 30-45 seconds (that’s how long you’re supposed to hold stretches). I got into a full splits in about a month. Get cozy with the current squad. And I don’t mean kiss up. But make sure you build a solid rapport with the girls. They can tell you about their experiences on the squad (so you can see if the squad’s truly right for you) and maybe give you some tips!

    Third question: From my experience, cheer camps were only available for cheer squads. There’s a magazine called Spirit, I think, that gives cheer info. You might want to do research…

    Fourth question: I absolutely LOVED being on the dance team. I worked SO HARD to be on the team, and it really paid off in the end. Cheering and performing at school functions and games was my favorite part. I also met my best friends on the team…I knew NO ONE at first. Does your school compete? Most squads/dance teams compete at USA or UDA/UCA regional monthly competitions. For me, it was nerve-racking and I always felt I didn’t do well enough after each performance, but I learned from them.

    Fifth question: It’s basically the same as the first question.

    Good luck trying out!! Being a cheerleader was one of the highlights of my high school career, and if (when!) you make the team, you’ll have the time of your life!

    Let me know if you decide to try out. And if you do, let me know how it goes!

  2. Carrie G

    Be your self, know alot of acrobatic moves, tumbling,ask some of the girls who were cheerleaders from the past year.They could help you out,and give you some pointers.Smile alot when you try out, and have fun.goodluck

  3. lynne21288

    ooook… first of all smile and be confident…cheer and show spirit…when u dance DONT be provocative do the steps but do them tastefully…be loud and be super tight on motions….dont hide in the back…coaches like to have people who stand out and arent afraid to try new things…if u have questions ask questions (it shows a passion) …get as much tumbling skills as you can. good luck

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