If you are 114 pounds and want to be a junior high cheerleader can you?Can you be a flyer?

Question by Brianna B: If you are 114 pounds and want to be a junior high cheerleader can you?Can you be a flyer?
Is that to big to be a cheerleader at the age of 10 and 12?

Best answer:

Answer by Btlejuice
Not to be a cheerleader, but to be a flyer yes, unless everyone on the squad weighs more than 114. Normally they are about 85 to 105 pounds (in middle school). But you aren’t too big to be a cheerleader.

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3 thoughts on “If you are 114 pounds and want to be a junior high cheerleader can you?Can you be a flyer?

  1. hagred90

    It does not depend on what you weigh, it is how much talent u have. If u have enough talent anyone can become a cheerleader. 114 pounds aint alot. But maybe u should be the one throwing people in the air. Good luck, but dont be discouraged by weight.

  2. Ashlea

    I am 15 and like 100lbs max. In middle school all of our cheerleaders were tiny, as you are. I think you will do fine.

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