I would love to be a cheerleader but I need help?

Question by vtowngirl08: I would love to be a cheerleader but I need help?
I need to know how to stretch before practice, how to memorize the dances better, and become a cheerleader. And our tryouts at my school is Feb. 5, 06.

Best answer:

Answer by ????
pray about it

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7 thoughts on “I would love to be a cheerleader but I need help?

  1. fungusbrains1

    You really needed to go to a summer cheerleading camp. This is too short notice for anyone to help you. The best you can do now is probably show them a great smile and a positive attitude, and do your best. As for stretching, it is important. You can do an internet search and find lots of sources for stretching and warming up. It would be hard for me to explain without pictures.

  2. mellogirl89

    WHY? There are already too many prepy cheerleader jerks in this world…who da heck needs another??? Try out for band or somin. Or do dance…but cheerleader??? (Sorry i have had a very bad experience with those preppy think they are all that little princess.) No offence. And sorry if i did offend you. Well just try really hard on memorizine dance moves by repeating it over and over…by then hopefully you will have it down. Best of luck to you….sorry for that above. 🙂

  3. shelby_may24

    it is not easy to be a cheerleader im wone my seelf u just have to practice like work on you jumps like tough toches wind mills just practice

  4. barlow_girl87

    Okay, I was a cheerleader. My squad wasn’t great, but I have a little bit of experience. First off, try this website http://www.mspineapple.com/tryouts.html .

    Stretch for the splits. Go as far down into the splits position as you can and sit there for a minute or two. Repeat for each type of splits. Also, do straddle stretches (where you sit with your legs apart and bend down. Try to touch your stomach to the floor.

    Practice jumps. Toe-touches, herkies, hurdlers, etc. I think hurdlers are easier than toe-touches, but that’s me.

    Um, about memorizing dances: practice. If you can get whatever song it is you’re supposed to dance to, practice at home. All you can do is practice. I stink at memorizing dances, but I got it down as long as I practised.

    And, to mellogirl89: I don’t appreciate your comments. Yes, many cheerleaders are obnoxious, but my entirew squad wasn’t and I’m not. And I’m not just saying that. People are always surprised when I say that I was a cheerleader.

  5. numberonebabydoll2000

    before I came a cheerleader my first year I took this class up at a rec park and i’ve went to c alot of cheerleading sites and they can teach you alot about cheerleading and if that don’t help theres movies you can buy

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