I want to start a cheerleading business in oklahoma, and dont know where to start.?

Question by trisha: I want to start a cheerleading business in oklahoma, and dont know where to start.?
I don’t really know where to start on the business side of it. I have had cheerleading experience in the past high school and some college cheer, but I was wanting to do more of the Competition cheer. need to know what kind of insurance is needed, advertising, anything else.

Best answer:

Answer by X0X0
I dont know much about starting a cheer business, and it sounds like you dont either. Thats why i recommend you get someone on your side that does. No one on yahoo answers should be giving you serious business advice.. Get some people together that eich have a specialty. SOme business people, coaches, that kind of stuff. everyone has a specialty. hope that helped 🙂

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One thought on “I want to start a cheerleading business in oklahoma, and dont know where to start.?

  1. Delilah

    You should go to http://fierceboard.com/
    Ask this question there! Someone will deff. answer it with what you need them to! Trust me! I know because I saw a queston just like this on there, I would link it but I can’t seem to find it anywhere!

    But please go and sign up, then go to All-Star and star a new “tread”!
    Hope that helped!
    Emailed me if you have questions. (:

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