how do i get courage to become a better cheerleader?

Question by Lindsey B: how do i get courage to become a better cheerleader?
ok i am a cheerleader..i have hurt my ankle badly and lost all my courage to throw my backhandspring…how do i get that courage back?

Best answer:

Answer by cheergrl62693
you really just cant think about it. try throwing it on the trampoline first and then you cant think about what you are going to do ( your muscles know the right way to do it)

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One thought on “how do i get courage to become a better cheerleader?

  1. canada6

    normal reaction for young person trying this very difficult sport. young people react with caution , loss of confidence. with the high injury rate in this great sport. what will happen . high risk move which all moves are. you will land on the ankle. with a light brace. your body will accept there is no more pain. as far as your courage. any cheerleader. is a greater all around athlete than the team they cheer for. when you started this sport . you proved not only your athletic gift, but your courage and confidence. your reaction is normal. there is no lack of courage. rebuild the handspring slowly. just slight loss of confidence. if it was a male asking this question. then it would be cowardice. males do not think cheer is a sport. males overexgarate injuries. keep on going you will be fine. to the fakes please do not disrespect this young lady. you are never going to be as good . so show respect for women.

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