Fefe Dobson *Rockstar*

Rockstar performed by Fefe Dobson Enjoy! ^_^ Rockstar is featured in the CW series Hellcats! Note: Rockstar is co-written by Ashlee Williss and Britt Burton of Pretty Little Problem. All content in this video belongs to it’s owners, no copyright infringement intended.
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25 thoughts on “Fefe Dobson *Rockstar*

  1. AndrewJacksonVEVO

    what is the other song called on snog marry avoid with the lyrics get up get up let the music…. love that song please help ;D

  2. KatrinaWhite2012

    @ItsCarriexD its a tv show in england and it gives really fake people a make under to show them what they would look like without fake tan, extensions, false eyelashes ect…

  3. colleen18244

    @MisMediator i know that, i was making a joke, jeez no one around here’s got a sense of humor…

  4. MisMediator

    @colleen18244 thats not eye glitter…and i think this pic was in a mag… b4 kesha got popular, but im not sure….but ya kno, a lot of people use eye glitter….. just sayin…

  5. Sue239838

    I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for this song! Thank you so much! Imho it’s SO much better then the other song that I kept getting ‘Party like A Rockstar’ by Pit Bull. I love this song. Keep it up Fefe <3

  6. TaybiedTHEAwesome

    oh my gosh very kool very very PRETTY COOL i remember my crush dancing this one hahaha LOL…..:PP

  7. colleen18244

    so this song is so awesome and very original… but i mean come on, the glitter?? it makes her look like a ke$ha wanna be

  8. AshleeWillissMusic

    Fefe Dobson’s album is killer!! I co-write “Rockstar” with her, I’m so glad you all like this song, it was really fun to make! Please subscribe to my channel, would love to hear from you! Xoxo Ashlee

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