25 thoughts on “Fame Super Seniors Worlds 2010 Finals

  1. superFAMEous

    @TheLittleKidz i really dont think we would have gotten first if that stunt hadnt fallen. we may have gotten higher, but we are happy with where we finished. sure we would have loved to have gotten higher, but its over now and it cant be changed. please try to focus on the good aspects of the routine rather than point out the flaws. we are proud to say that we are 6th in the world!! love my SUPAZ!

  2. meganjbss

    there pyramid is AMAZING!
    and why was the coach doing there routine with them? at our comps if that happens we lose heaps of point, is it different for worlds?

  3. bkmustang07

    @GymnasticsLovexo at worlds you have level 5 teams and level 6….then it breaks down based on all-girl teams and the different divisions for coed teams :-)…i think all in all its about 10 divisions they used to have a junior level but took it away for the upcoming year

  4. GymnasticsLovexo

    how are all of the cheer teams categorized? there must be tonsss of categories with all the diff. levels and sizes and coeds?

  5. XJadenessX

    They had the best pyramids to me! Other than that the routine was a little slow in the begining. Too bad about that dropped stunt.

  6. elizabethX3

    large all girl senior? 4th? dannnng, 1st. cheer extreme. 2. world cup. 3rd. cheer athletic panthers, adn 4th super seniors.!


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