Doll House (p3) widescreen

Wizards of Waverly Place Doll House: Alex turns the basement into an art studio but must make room for Harper who is moving in with the Russo’s

25 thoughts on “Doll House (p3) widescreen

  1. lesporitac023

    why is everybody babbling about alex/selena’s bra ? i mean c’mon, u really have to notice that ? can u just focus on the episode bcoz that’s y were watching this ? ?

  2. AplusStudent78

    He could’ve just asked to look at the doll house for a moment while Harper distracts the Olive. 🙂

  3. 20dark20

    if i were in Justin’s shoes i would just forget about Alex and go PARTY!!!!! i mean come on its alot of money 🙂

  4. casper28182

    Justin’s a really good brother to spend that much on her sister even though he really wanted the money. And Alex didn’t really apologize – so thats nice of him to let it go ♥

    I love Jennifer Stone! Like Selena is amazing don’t get me wrong but Jennifer is so inspirational and she shows you like you don’t have to be perfect and always worry what people think – love her! 🙂

  5. casper28182

    Not Meanly But LovesWOWP who are you? like in ur videos u know all this information and put it on….like it sounds like u work with the cast….???

  6. LissiKinz

    Alex: yeah, it’s ok you’re right. . . . so what’s justin gonna do to help me?
    Harper: Nothin’, he said he’s helping you with your wizards studdies by not helping you. . . apparently he thinks you can fix this on your own, and man is he alone in that. . .
    Alex: he accually thinks i can fix this on my own? hmm. . . Wow, what kind of jacked double reverse sycology is he pulling? where is he?!

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