Does getting a stradle help toe touchs for cheerleading?

Question by shawnmp93: Does getting a stradle help toe touchs for cheerleading?
I have a stradle almost and want to know if that helps any cheerleading jumps?

Best answer:

Answer by sexibee247
yea it does because it gets u more limber so ur feet can touch ur hands not the other way around

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One thought on “Does getting a stradle help toe touchs for cheerleading?

  1. littlelu1204

    a stradle what? … stradle splits or stretch? yes it would help to have your splits but its not necessary to have good jumps… one of my friends cheered with me all the way through school and she was one of the most unflexible kids i have EVER seen, but she had better jumps than alot of people… she is now in college cheer and still cant do ANY of her splits… you just have to know when to relax your legs… as weird as it sounds, its true… when you jump up your legs are tight, so at the heighth of your jump relax your muscle on the inside of your thigh and roll your hips backwards… your legs will fly up to your ears… i promise 🙂 … well that is as long as you keep your back straight and dont lean forward too much trying to reach your toes (that stops the rise) give it a tryyy. and good luck!

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