does anyone know some cool ways to wear your hair for cheerleading?

Question by kyky: does anyone know some cool ways to wear your hair for cheerleading?
I’m starting cheerleading soon and I’m not the most creative person with my hair…does anyone have any tips?

Best answer:

Answer by Erin B
I think that you should put your hair in either a side pony tail or pig tails and but the team colored ribbons in it too. So cute!

What do you think? Answer below!

3 thoughts on “does anyone know some cool ways to wear your hair for cheerleading?

  1. Sarah T

    Well ponytails are cute and creative and you can do so much with them. High ponytails, twin ponytails, buns. There’s so much to choose from. But you also want to make sure that the hair works while you’re performing, so nothing in the face. Try cute ribbons, barettes, and bows to add a lil punch to your hairstyle. You might also want to try a french braid. Good luck cheerleading.

  2. twintoes

    My daughter and her friends have me put twisties on their hair ot french braid , or corn rolls. Twisties are easy, you just get enough hair starting from the middle of your head and about the size of your little pinkie of less depending on how big and thick you want the rolls to come out and then you just do them half way to your scalp, apply gel before starting and when needed, then spray with hairspray, they last for a week and you can still wash your hair.

  3. Christina K

    you should color it blond w/ brown high lights!
    then cut your bands like a slant and put the rest of your hair in a pony tail.
    if you want to attract some ones attention then you should put your school color Robbin in your pony tail!

    Hope that helped Hun! =) good luck w/ cheerleading!!!

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