Charity: An Example of the Believers

A group of young women reach out in kindness and charity to a student with a disability, fulfilling her dream and giving everyone something to cheer about. To read more about this inspiring example, visit:

25 thoughts on “Charity: An Example of the Believers

  1. richardegoful

    What a wonderful video. God bless everyone in it, especially Brittany. God, please keep the images of this video in my memory. God is good all the time.

  2. ilovesoremuscles

    In a way I feel bad for Brittany because of her struggle with muscular dystrophy, but at the same time she is so blessed to have so much love and support. What a fine example of character shown by all. What a fine group of young woman. This is not only a message of charity, but of HOPE

  3. littlepianist92

    I’ve gone to school with Brittany since jr high. She’s one of the sweetest girls I’ve met even if I don’t know her very well. I think it’s so cool that she’s been recognized so much. She is such a special person! Oh and so everyone knows, Brittany was voted as homecoming queen!!!!

  4. Edward4evah

    Brittany, her mom, and Kaity actually came to my Stake. I just got home from the fireside. We watched this video and they all spoke and gave there story. It was unbelievably amazing. She was funny, and cool, and smart. She was just a normal girl. They are all true examples of the believers.

  5. Sparkish95

    This was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I really admire you mormons. Thank your for touching my heart


    I want to ask you, What is true POWER –
    “Brittany, you are a great example for me”(LDSgermanHLT-youtube) of courage, determination, and how to help others with the gifts you have. I think about what gifts do I have and how can I help others. This is true POWER –

  7. SRB7709

    we watched this in seminary yesterday. It was very powerful and inspiring. I even cried when i watched it…

  8. vanderley3

    Very touching video — as always… They are true examples of charity of the Believers.

    Every one of these videos also have the most beautiful music — where can I buy the CD with these soundtracks? Serious question.

  9. LDSgermanHLT

    Brittany, you are a great example for me. Thank you for your beautiful smile and your ability to receive help. This is not easy I know. Huggs and Love from Germany

  10. football3steer238

    As a mother of a daughter with special needs. I am tryly touched by this heart warming story. What wonderful girls. Thank you! The world needs more of you!

  11. jedbrinton

    I have a brother with mental disabilities, and it always touches my heart when others are kind and loving with him. I especially like the fact that the girls in this video took the time to get to know Brittany as a person. That is what charity means to me – seeing another person just like I am a person.

  12. jefferylake62

    Dear Cheerleaders of Syracuse High, Thank you for helping Brittanys dream come true you are all very special young ladies. Brittney Crocket, you are loved and most especially by your Heavenly Father, who will welcome you home. Hearing your story brought tears to my eyes.

    Matthew 25:40
    [And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.]

  13. Xanqo

    Agreed, Pilottim. What if everyone had a more Christ-like love? What if we would all do simple acts like the Syracuse Titans did or maybe an act as simple as changing the tire of a neighbor’s car that’s been flat for a few days?

    It is easy to get caught up in wanting to help someone spiritually rather than listen, be patient and come to understand their needs.

    The Titans not only made Brittany happy and more confident, but they also gave her a model or two or three or four to follow. 🙂

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