25 thoughts on “Worst Movie Scenes of All Time: Episode 16

  1. SolestiaGoaTrance

    Of course this works! If she´s a demon, sending christian music holy frequencies down her unhloy soul´s killing her? Well hello YES IT WERKS!

  2. exxod112

    Pshh… I do that all the time!
    Granted it’s a car battery with wires taped to each end but it’s the same thing.

  3. RobRobertTheMusicMan

    He Pumped Up The Volume…..starring Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis, guy lying on the floor, and introducing the shocking seductress with obvious agenda.

  4. 123stig91123

    The stupidest thing about this clip is that he didn’t just f***ed her.
    *Girl in bloody room tries to seduce you*
    Boy: “why are the walls covered in blood?”
    Girl: “I’m having a heavy period”
    *Boy shrugs shoulders*
    Boy: “Eh, I have a condom”

  5. SuperNintendoBrotha

    I’m more WTF about the guy not knocking the girl out when I hit girls they stay down lol

  6. bijibadness

    now see, as a guitarist, i can vouch for this scene’s accuracy. we’ve lost many good players this way; the INPUT to an amp has millions of volts coming uh, out of-oh fuck it, theres no way i can keep this up, even jokingly

  7. happygregory1989

    Should’ve used Jean Michel Jarre’s speakers. She’d have lasers coming out her arsehole and everything.

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