What is the best way to wear your hair for cheerleading?

Question by Libster: What is the best way to wear your hair for cheerleading?
We are in a cheerleading comp soon and I want to know a classy way of wearing your hair. HELP ME 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Maybe next time!

What do you think? Answer below!

8 thoughts on “What is the best way to wear your hair for cheerleading?

  1. greenlovepeace

    My squad usually does a version of a high pony-tail but we also add braids to keep our bangs and layers back instead of lots of bulky ugly bobby pins 🙂
    Don’t forget the BOW!

  2. jazmin1018196

    well the classiest look is the pony tail
    but if u dont want it like that than u can
    let it down

    put it on to pig tails(two pony tails on each side of ur head)

    side ways pony tail(well side ways pony tail)

    or a messy bun (go on google if u dotn know what it is and out this

    “messy bun pictures”

    you can do the same things with the other hairstyles search on google

  3. junior

    is up like i dama of a jeane if you dont not how that is ask your mom with a bow in it if riddle the is the colors of your school

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