What are the requirements for cheerleading?

Question by : What are the requirements for cheerleading?
What are the requirements for middle school cheerleading tryouts? I know all of them are different but tell me what your school does! Please answer

Best answer:

Answer by Elle.
My nieces middle school cheerleading requires
that your grades cant be below a C,you have to be able to pick up
rotuines quickly,and your teachers & parents needs to sign a waver
saying that you have permission and you arent falling behind in classes.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 thoughts on “What are the requirements for cheerleading?

  1. &Soon 2 B Varsity cheerleader!

    im n high school u have to have good grades they prefer u have tumbling skills but u don’t have to if u do u get extra pts.from the judges smile alot ..
    jumps: toe touch, front hurdler, herkie, tuck, pike (they want them high)
    make sure u have precision,nice tight motions not sloppy or broken wrists

    req.: ask any present cheerleaders or the coach if u need tumbling if u do end up needing it take a class

    work out plans : stretch, lift 5 lb. weights? cuz u need strength for ur motions, jumps, and when stunting, running/walking

    meal plan: fruits, veg, sweets every now and then try to stay fit

    how to:if u need any tips here are just a few sites i recommend




    oh yea don’t forget to stretch & be loud use ur diaphragm to try to remember the chant cheer or dance use counts of 8- 5 6 7 8
    good luck with everything!!!

  2. Rinnie

    all u need to know is your front walkover
    have a good roundoff, toe touch and pike
    at least be close to your back hands spring
    and if u r going to be a flyer strech because u need a scorpine and close to a heelstreach and a left split

  3. emilee .

    my middle school was insane:
    1) your GPA cant be below 2.5
    2) you need to be able to preform a dance flawlessly
    3) you need a close to perfect toe touch
    4) you must be able to yell and cheer extremely loud
    5) sharp movement and personality

  4. Marina

    For my middle school they require
    -no grades lover than a c
    -basic tumbling such as cartwheels and round-offs. But if we have a back handspring it helps so much.
    -jumps such as toe touch, pike, both herkies
    – lots of spirit and confidence and of course
    – a SMILE 🙂

  5. Harry_Potter_lover<3

    Our cheer tryouts were anyone makes it if they tryout in middle school. But in high school it’s [obviously] not that way. We have to pass 5 classes (such high expectations, not 😀 ) to stay on the team. But for tryouts:

    -Jumps (toe touch, herkie, hurdler and pikes)
    -Sharp Motions
    -Tumbling (backhandspring to make varsity)
    -Run half a mile in under 4 minutes.
    -Make it to all practices & games. Or if you can’t then call before.
    -Have a positive attitude 🙂

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