The next Kiara Nowlin!

Julia from CO is going to be a great cheerleader if she keeps working the way she has so far.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “The next Kiara Nowlin!

  1. Gymnasticseverywhere

    @cantoetouchthis1995 For a six year old she is amazing! No, she’s not Kiara Nowlin but guess what? NO ONE IS! their is only one Kiara Nowlin! so get over it and enjoy her awesome talent!

  2. Zoeluv824

    Not the next kiara nowlin unless she can do full outs, full flips, x-outs, and much much more. because kiara crushed those things at the age of 6

  3. 7337peace

    she is really good for her age but she would have to work alot more than she does now to be the next kiara nowlin.

  4. montyvic68

    She is cute and very good but I knew a 4 year old who could do that. My daughter could do the same plus a standing back tuck at the age of 6. I bet she will win some Individual Tumble Pass at cheerleading competitions but she not the next Kiara Nowlin.

  5. efisgpr

    @ninnasoendergaard hey thanks but she’s american. check out the comments here: watch?v=10ge-pv690M it’s in the very top comments. that girl is a great talent tho. thanks again

  6. TheTumble123

    i cant even do round off bh tuck. im flippin twise her age :L ive just got my standing tuck yesterday (: x

  7. cheerguyami

    A girl from the Maverick’s gym had a whip + double full at 6. Shes ok but not at kiara’s pace. Shoot I have a 5 year old at my gym with a textbook layout

  8. cheernasticchix

    Really, amazing! Shes good, but not Kiara Nowlin good. At this age Kiara had fulls, layouts, ect.

  9. rmebears1232

    canttowtouchthis1995 dude dont put the girl down she was only 6 she was doing her best next time try and not be mean to little girls:)

  10. kazekagegaara22

    @cantoetouchthis1995 lol theres many kids who are better than kiara and people who are younger and still are. like my teammate well somewhat hes 9. throwing full in double outs and doubles across the floor but hes not famous why should some people be?

  11. powertrack55

    There’s an 8 yo at my gym that doubles, arabian full through to full, and standing fulls…

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