tattle tale glass vase cello case

Breathe into my hands Or cup them like a glass to drink from; Are you still, still breathing. Are you still, breathing. Are you still, still breathing. Are you still, breathing. Breathe into my hands Or cup them like a glass to drink from….

25 thoughts on “tattle tale glass vase cello case

  1. rayballon13

    thats exactly what i did. but first i had to find the name of the song!!!

  2. boobear01232k10

    1 2 3 4
    I won’t take no anymore
    5 6 7 8
    I want you to be my mate
    1 2 3 4
    you’re the one that i adore
    5 6 7 8
    don’t run from me cuz this is fate
    #But, I’m A Cheerleader

  3. ashleyalexander

    @yngblood24able hey if you like rap theres a horrorcore song that somewhat uses the instrumental of this song. its called “pieces” and its by “razakel” its really heartfelt so listen to it.

  4. KatsuoxAkumu

    I wish I could get a Tattle Tale album, but I can’t find them anywhere and it makes me very depressed.
    I wish they had created more beautiful and moving music like this before they broke up in 1995.

  5. yngblood24able

    Look i may be black and listen to rap hip hop but now i dont dis might make me turn religus like my uncle cuz hes in a kristan college and he turned religous and plu sme and him play football this amazing it made me tingly inside and im havin soft feelings but… amzing

  6. qzpmystik

    Jan: “I like balls”

    Best line of the movie, makes me laugh every time because it comes out of nowhere..

  7. iStormz

    @devilshomie if there were more movies like that, i bet that the idiots of the world would make a deal of it and cause more war :

  8. MutantWren

    @bluescommander We need more people in the world like you. Your appreciation for a love story that, by virtue of involving two women, would normally be fetishized by our culture is beyond admirable.

  9. toxicallypink

    that movie made me begin to question my sexuality and now, fully asuming it, it helps me deal with the consequences of accepting it. it has great meaning to me.

  10. bluescommander

    But I’m A Cheerleader is a great fucking movie. A great love story. And this is coming from a straight teenage male.

  11. thisishowwelove

    @bluescommander Yes but you missed my point. Yeah they were having sex but that wasn’t the focus on the scene. Society these days would just look at it as two women having sex rather that two poepl loving each other. That was my poin, dear. ^^

  12. bluescommander

    @thisishowwelove Uh. . . that was a sex scene. Certainly, a romantic sex scene. But they were having sex. That makes it a sex scene.

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