Save My Daughter PART 1

An estimated 30 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder, and anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Family members of victims often suffer the consequences of the disease as well. Are there early warning signs to watch out for? What can you do if you suspect a loved one is anorexic or bulimic?

25 thoughts on “Save My Daughter PART 1

  1. SLise59

    She’s been 76 pounds how you call that? People having EDs can even be very heavy, the weight goes up and down easily! You can be healthy looking and binge and purge ! Most of people with ED actually look fine!

  2. mrsrobinsoncat

    It is sad to see that she has clearly purged before the show – you can see it from her PT glands.

  3. mrsrobinsoncat

    I know it is wrong but I love and ovet the angles of her body. And, damn, her fiance is enough to make anyone want to fast and purge – I couldn’t stand to have a wobbly fatty neck like that. AND he says: “The less weight she takes off, the less I am attracted to her.” ie, she needs to take more weight off to be attractive; that means he wants her thin.

  4. NeuroticDummy

    The stomach already contains stomach acid so naturally it would come before bile. 🙂

  5. Sophee1415

    i hate how people think that if you anorexic you dont eat AT ALL. you eat, just not as many calories as is reccomended

  6. Verine

    @poofyhamster Well you can get protein from vegetables. Meat is only one source. And there’s also plenty of carbohydrates on vegetables and fruits. People can be totally healthy and get all what they need from vegetables. The only exeptions are some B vitamins.

  7. Verine

    @IloveCupcakesandTea Anorexics have to eat also. And you can have anorexia and bulimia at the same time. It’s that they eat healthy stuff, not many calories and then also throw up. And people woth both EDs go though periods when they eat pretty much nothing and then the next period they binge a lot and then purge. Also it’s not only the behavior but also the way you think and see yourself. xx

  8. IloveCupcakesandTea

    @cheerr06 how can u have both when ur annorexic u dont eat….what would u be throwing up?

  9. bjesgirl

    What the fuck does Dr. Phil know? He’;s not even a psychiactric doctor!!! Ridiculous. Also, stating “common sense” is not going to conquer an eating disorder!

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