Q&A: Where can I buy a UK Cheerleading shirt?

Question by Kentucky_fanatic: Where can I buy a UK Cheerleading shirt?
Where can I buy a UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY (not united kingdom) cheerleading shirt? I already looked through a million pro shops and haven’t found any. Please only answer if you have a serious answer and you KNOW where I can get one. Thank you!
I’ve already looked on ebay and the University online shop and a million other shops selling UK stuff.

Best answer:

Answer by T-GunZ
ebay! everything’s on there… or i’m sure if it’s not in stores around you, you can always find it on fan websites or the university sites. downfall-s&h and you’ll have to order online.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One thought on “Q&A: Where can I buy a UK Cheerleading shirt?

  1. hollistergal888

    you could get it at next years worldss.. but thats kinda hard to go to hah
    or just go on their website they should sell it on there if not find someone who
    is on that team and swap cheer shirts with them..(:

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