Q&A: What size should you be to be a cheerleader?

Question by nice basket 🙂: What size should you be to be a cheerleader?
Ok I made it my goal to try out for cheer leading next year.
I know I need to lose a little weight first though but mostly get toned.
But anyway what size do cheerleaders tend to be?
Don’t be stupid and say there all size 0’s
because a few girls on are varsity squad are at least a 8
but anyway what size do you think is like an average?

Best answer:

Answer by breach98
Any size is good for a cheerleader, as long as they can do the necessary calisthenics . Although you ladies like and and think all us men should be 6 plus, stop focusing on size. At least with women, I do not.

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5 thoughts on “Q&A: What size should you be to be a cheerleader?

  1. Lauren

    I think the average size is between 00 and 10 because they need flyers(smaller sizes) and bases(bigger sizes). Yeah and focus more on getting muscle, getting toned, and making sure that you can do the routine and cheers because just losing a drastic amount of weight won’t matter if you can’t do the moves.

  2. Roxy Peaches.♥

    It doesn’t really matter, just make sure you aren’t overweight. That’s disgusting to see big people hopping around and all the wrong stuff is busting out of their uniforms.

  3. Victoria

    Honestly I think that it doesn’t really matter in size. You could be a size 17 or a size 2…it doesn’t really matter. As long as you have a loud voice and can move around a lot!!

  4. :)

    They are a size which lets them do all their jumps and flips and whatnot.

    For someone it could mean not fitting a 00. For someone it could be an 8. I know, I can look at girls in my school (im in AU not the US and we dont have cheerleaders), the two who are the best sportswomen can do anything, track, shotput, swimming, you name it. One is short and really skinny and really muscular, the other is taller, and if you saw her, you’d call her fat, maybe obese. But they are both as good as eachother.

    So if you are a 6 and can’t do any of the cheer stuff, and when building up your fitness you get to a two then stay a two. If you are a two and can’t do anything but you gain weight when building your fitness to a 6, stay a 6.

  5. Kiera

    You can be any size. And to Roxy Peaches obviously u r not a cheerleader becauee a cheerleader knows that u can be any size, it really doesnt matter. if you r bigger then u would be a base or backspot and if u r thnin then u would be a flyer. There is room for anyone on a cheerleading squad no matter what weight they r they just need to be backed up by talent..

    P.S. : Roxy Peacher: u r probably not a cheerleader because u dont have the talent to be one…stop hating on other people because of their weight( and im not saying that because i am big so dont think it, i am actually a flyer)

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