Q&A: what size can you be to be a cheerleader?

Question by .Orton:.Girl.: what size can you be to be a cheerleader?
What size can you be to be a cheerleader because I’m 13 and on the heavy side a little bit, but i want to be a cheerleader for my last year at my school. I really love cheerleading but I stoped at 4th grade cause i went to a new school so any tips on what i can do?

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyannigans =D
why you’d wanna be a cheerleader IDK but weight shouldnt matter as long as your willing to try your hardest..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Q&A: what size can you be to be a cheerleader?

  1. Jay

    Just get back in shape, I don’t mean get skinny, I mean be able to handle when they run miles and shit.

    Practice routines and flexibility and try out.

  2. Cappy

    I’ve seen cheerleaders in all shapes and sizes. Focus on balance, strength, flexibility and attitude.

  3. Tabi

    It shouldn’t matter the size.. (Well, unless someone has to pick you up for the pyramid. But you’d just be on the bottom)

    Are you able to do high-kicks, cartwheels, flips, and such?..
    The main thing is are you physically fit to be a cheerleader?.
    If you are heavy to the point of being out of breath and have cellulite showing, then maybe cheer leading is not for you..

    However, if you are small-heavy, you can still look cute in your outfit, show confidence, and show school spirit.
    You just have to have the ability and the confidence.
    You should love the body that you have (God gave it to you).. However, if you want to improve yourself, then that’s even better. You have the ability inside you to do so..
    I’d say to practice your cheers, routines, and believe in yourself..
    Don’t let anyone try to make you feel inadequate.. People come in all shapes and sizes. We are different, yet we are more similar than we think…
    Go for it, if your heart is telling you to.. The music is in YOU!!

  4. ♥mΓ§.ɧ^Rr¥ ¶0Tŧ3®

    I am 13, on the heavyside(its mostly muscle though) i’m a cheerleader and im the co-captain on the squad:)
    weight dosnt matter in cheerleading {unless your schools squad is a sterotypical one and will accept the worst, skinniest, stickfigured girl who sucks just because shes skinny}
    but just work hard on your flexibility, motions, routines and when it comes to tryouts you will blow them away with your mad skills:)

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