Q&A: What do u need to become a flyer for 8th cheerleading?

Question by Stephanie m: What do u need to become a flyer for 8th cheerleading?
I want to be a flyer but, i didnt get picked.Their are taller girls than me and they got picked. I am 4’11 and weight 92 pounds. I am not saying i am fat i just want to know. Because this is my first year doing cheerleading

Best answer:

Answer by Bo Beeta
I think yer a good height and weight…but is there girls that weigh less then you? Or that are sturdier then you are…You really have to have a good sence of balance…Practice practice practice

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6 thoughts on “Q&A: What do u need to become a flyer for 8th cheerleading?

  1. Philllip P

    You need to have alot of control of your body and balance. You need to be able to lock out your knees and keep tight at all times. Maybe the taller girls are easier to lift because they can keep their bodies straight while in the air…being small helps, but being stiff is the most important thing.

  2. Speel

    At 92 pounds your too heavy. 8th grade means your 13 or 14 years old. Most likely the girls picked are between 72 and 80 pounds. Don’t worry to much about it most Olympic gymnasts are between 80-90 pounds so your not that much over weight, course their 17-20 years old with 5% body fat.

  3. Drake D

    y r girls so obsessed with “how much they weigh”?

    god made us all in his image. and if we accept him into our hearts, we’ll go to heaven. in heaven, everyone has perfect bodies, and we’ll be in heaven for eternity.

    so, forget about “weighing too much”, as long as u can fit through a door you’re good.

    as far as cheerleading goes, don’t give up now, you can still go to the games and cheer in the stands.

  4. Nikki G

    I was a flyer in 8th grade. I was around your same height and weight. The important thing to remember is not the size, though it helps. Its about being able to control your body and balance. Even if you didn’t get picked initially, you should ask if they can still let you practice. With time you may be able to be an alternate, and if your thinking about continuing to cheer in high school, you are going to want some practice. Good luck!

  5. Randi Holt

    even though your not it your first you you just need to prove yourself. In the long run almost every girl out there could be a flyer.

    K here we go

    first off you always have to keep tight! stay focused and have confidence!!!

    You can do it if u believe in yourself and keep yourself commited.

    -push hard off your bases sholders to help them get that extra push up, half the work on getting up there should be u it can’t be all on them. once your up there keep your butt pinched and knees locked. hen u are cradled RIDE IT. breath inraise your arms over your sholders and ride it until your breath in is gone then snap!

    – Always make sure your Leg is to you knee
    -see things above about locking out
    – make sure your arms arte in a perfect High V

    -high v throw it hard to left or right. Look to whatever sholder u throw your arms to. When u look it goes so fast.
    -try balencing on a soup can on your own

    Always be streching to try and get new tricks

    (if u can pull this stuff off on the floor you give them no option but to try you out in the air)

    LEARN how to base or they will never take u on a college team, when u try out u have to do both to get on, they love diversity, even if your super tiny it’s a plus

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