Q&A: Im 115lbs and I am 5ft7in I want to work on being a better cheerleader?

Question by 2sweetandsassy: Im 115lbs and I am 5ft7in I want to work on being a better cheerleader?
Well I already cheer for a team, but I want to try out for the high school team next year. The thing is I don’t even know how to do a cartwheel but I’m willing to learn! Im great at everthing except tumbleing, cartwheels and things like that. How do I get over that feer of turning upside down? I want to be my best and I right now I don’t think Im pushing hard enough. HELP! PLZ!

Best answer:

Answer by hottscott22289
i also have a hard time doing a backflip … i used to be able to when i was younger but i stopped jumping on the trampoline for a cpl years and cant do one anymore … but i would say that if you do it once than you can do it a hundred times

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One thought on “Q&A: Im 115lbs and I am 5ft7in I want to work on being a better cheerleader?

  1. osto11

    you will have to go to a gym and be taught how to tumble. start quick, and practice a lot, because it takes a long time to learn the difficult manuvers that cheerleaders do .

    the girls in my childrens school begin taking gymnastics about age 5, and take it continuously(once a week) until about Jr high school. anyone in our school anyone who cannot do gymnastics(back hand spring, cartwheel, aerial, etc,) has no chance of makning squad. and our school is VERY small. in bigger schools, competition is tougher.

    get to work, and good luck

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