Q&A: How much should a flyer in cheerleading weigh?

Question by Jenn D: How much should a flyer in cheerleading weigh?
I’m gonna try out for cheerleading nxt year and i wanna b a flyer. but idk how much they should weigh or how tall they are suppose to be.

any help here?
btw im goin into 9th grade so, im talking about a high school flyer

Best answer:

Answer by TDub
110 lbs

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8 thoughts on “Q&A: How much should a flyer in cheerleading weigh?

  1. Ilyssa Rae

    There isn’t a specific weight. It mostly depends on the strength of the base. Also if your short its easier to base. Ive had flyers heavier then me, but they are really talented at flying. So the more experience you have, the better your chances. As for a number for weight, I would say if you are in 9th grade, 105, 110, 115, are the averages. Good luck 🙂

  2. christinemarie.buddylove

    well weight doesnt really matter but i mean you cant be like so heavy so one can lift you , i say 130 at the most! our flyer is like 98 pounds but that doesnt matter shes just really good , we had a senior that graduated and she probly weighed 130 or so! it matters on the stragth the flyer has and how much shes willing to try to achive that goal! but if your looking for a range probly around 130 or less, as long as you suck up it doesnt matter the weight doesnt feel much at all! if your trying out for a flyer be willing to try your hardest exspecially if its competitve cheer! which is awesome btw!

  3. c.nalty

    As a cheerleading coach and a flyer on a college squad, I can truthfully say that there is no specific weight or height a flyer should be.

    Typically, flyers tend to weigh less than the other girls, but that does not necessarily make them the best flyers. A good flyer MUST be able to hold her weight in her arms in a hang drill (without a back spot) and pull up in a stunt. Nothing bothers me more than a flyer with no upper body strength who relies completely on the girls underneath her, rather than working hard. I have known many tiny fliers who are terrible, I would much rather chose a bigger or taller girl as a flyer if she can have proper technique and not rely on her bases to simply throw her around.

    If you are interested in being a flyer, tell your coach. s/he should let you at least try it a few times to see if you can do it. height and weight shouldn’t be the only factors in their decision.

    Good luck!

  4. alycheerx3

    well obviously they like to put the littlest girl up in the air. However, a good flyer is able to hold up their own weight. So if there can be a girl whos 10 pounds lighter then you but if your a good flyer the other girl will seem heavier. Also it depends if your going to be on a jv or varsity team. If your on jv your probably going to have to be samller to be a flyer because the other girl wont be that much bigger then you. However, if you make it stright on to varsity as a fresman the chances of you flying will be better because you’ll prbably be one of the smaller girls on the team.
    I hope this helps

  5. Valerie G

    110 or 120

    but it also depends how strong and good your bases are.
    and to be a flyer you have to have extremely good balance and flexibility.

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