Q&A: How can I get over my cheerleading fear?

Question by luv2dance: How can I get over my cheerleading fear?
hey i am a cheerleading base but i am scared im going to drop my flier. it’s my second year as a cheerleader but i was a backspot last year. on our first day we attempted an extension which is hard because the other base is about 6 inches shorter than me. i am also very scared i am going to drop my flier or get hit or something. please help me our coach wants a lib extension in the next couple of weeks. please help me. Also i am not very strong and that completely adds to my fear.


Best answer:

Answer by UK Cheerleader
What you need to do is stop being scared. Period.

Whenever we have incoming freshmen who want to be on the team, we give them three pieces of advise:

1.) Do not be scared
2.) If the coach asks you to do something, do not make yourself scared when you haven’t even given it a shot
3.) Just DO IT!

You will not drop your flier. If you do, SO WHAT! That’s cheerleading! You’re going to drop her once or twice. You will learn from that mistake and try again and possibly hit the Liberty. Also, you’re not weak. it’s all in your LEGS (the strongest muscles in your body) and your other base. You guys have to work TOGETHER to keep her up.

Stop being scary when you haven’t even done it yet.

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One thought on “Q&A: How can I get over my cheerleading fear?

  1. i<3cheerleading

    Ok ya you need to fix this NOW because basically the flyers life is in your hands. And I’m sure that added more stress to you, but you need to know how important your job is.

    First of all, I’ve been basing for 7 years. The worse injury i’ve had is a broken nose and that was with a sucky (no offense) flyer. Yea i got kicked in the head (lightly) but honestly, I never got hurt hurt. And no bases on any of my squads ever got injured badly.

    You won’t drop her. Because here’s whats happens; for some reason, the flyer starts to fall. When you’re a base, you can see her falling. Its almost like in slow motion. So if you’re watching her feet and you see her heading for the ground, you’ll definately have enough time to catch her. And catch her anywhere. If you have to, the butt or in the chest. Ya it might be uncomfortable, but just catch her anyway. Learn from your mistakes and i promise it will get better.

    Remember you’re holding 1/3 of the flyers weight. Work as a team and be in unison with the other base. Eye contact is critical.

    And i could tell you you’re flyer will never fall, but that would be a lie. Because flyers do fall, and its not always your fault. Usually, its both of the bases fault or the flyers. So instead of pointing fingers, just try to keep the stunt up there as long as it takes for the flyer to gain control. If she has to come down, CATCH HER.

    Seriously, strength doesn’t have to do with it. Don’t muscle it up; meaning don’t rely on your arm muscle. Push with your legs and use the flyer’s momentum. When the flyer dips, bounces, or pushes herself up then thats your chance to get with the rythm and use it to carry her all the way up.

    Maybe you can talk to your coach about the height issue, but remember being the taller one is an advantage when it comes to libs. Escpecially if your main base (right side).

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