Is the President of the United States much more than an Ambassador or figurehead or cheerleader ?

Question by burlingtony: Is the President of the United States much more than an Ambassador or figurehead or cheerleader ?
Who is really in charge of the finances and policies of the United States of America ? Who runs the government ?

Best answer:

Answer by Katt
the illlumiated ones

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3 thoughts on “Is the President of the United States much more than an Ambassador or figurehead or cheerleader ?

  1. Ukiah

    The president really is more or less a figurehead. People love to be able to blame him for everything that goes wrong, when in fact it is impossible for every part of a country to be run by one man. Instead, the country is run by his cabinet, appointees to various posts such as Secretary of state, military leaders, and others.

  2. Christopher K

    The President is also able to sign or veto legislation, and while his veto can be overridden, it isn’t always,

  3. andy

    Congress makes the laws and control the purse. All the President can do is either sign the bills coming across his desk or veto it. Congress has a lot more power than the President and all the President can do is give his opinion to Congress but they must act on that information.

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