In Loving Memory of Devon Christine Miller

me & devon weren’t really close friends. but i knew her since like 2nd grade, and she was a really great friend & the nicest person i ever met 🙂 and yeaa i decided to do this video tribute

25 thoughts on “In Loving Memory of Devon Christine Miller

  1. Ayla7victoria

    :,{ i miss my cuzin i allways say how i wasent close to any1 cuz when i got close to sum1 they would leave and i tought that would never happen with devon………….it hurts i <3 Dayvon <3 A-way

  2. yeyebabymusic

    devon i cant stop thinkin about you and the memories we had in cheer!! you and lauren were like my best friends on the redskins i love you so much devon and i cnt believe your really gone i miss you so much and i cry every day just thinking about you!!! i love you so much DEVON CHRISTINE MILLER R.I.P BABY GURL

  3. iamanonymousss

    I can’t stop thinking about you Devon, now that you’re gone, the world has changed for many, including me. Last year with you was so much fun, and I will never forget it :). btw Alyssa, what was the song you used at the end?

  4. SuMoPrOdUcTiOnS1

    I cant believe god took u so early but god has a reason for everything right.. well i truly miss u with all of my heart and all we could do now is remember all the good times we had together.and i know u wouldnt want us to remember u as u r now but as u used to be. Devon u will always be in my heart forever and i miss u with all my heart! R.I.P. Devon Christine Miller(Forever in our hearts!!)


    R.I.P devon ii diidnt kno u but ii would of love to kno u but hope ur happy n on the good side and remember all ur friends da were there 4 u n ur mom n bf snd other stuff bc ii was love 2 have u in beaumont high skool and a good sport girl =) but hope ur happy and remember everythin okay ;(…

  6. pandaaamy

    This made me tear up. Rest In Peace Devon Christine Miller ! You will be missed and loved ! Great job, Alyssa (:

  7. Mismoobub

    i miss u devon u were a great freind i didnt want u to go your sis demi was a great freind of mine i am still with sean s he misses u even stevielane java she cryed i want u to come back we miss u it fells like we lost someone special in our hearts we will always have u in there we never wanted it to come like this

  8. rosesforrae

    devon although we didnt get to know eachother for very long i love you and will miss you very much if anything that ive learned from you its that i shouldn’t fear life and should face it head on and im so sorry for you loss every one and especially mikey i can only imagine how hard it is on you if you ever wanna talk im here for anyone
    -Natalie Bryant

  9. iamanonymousss

    I can’t believe you are already gone Devon
    watching this video jus makes me wanna tear up
    You will be missed and never forgotten Devon! <3

  10. TeaMMurDER1z

    i didnt really know her but this is really really sad….and i mean that and everybody at beaumont high school that were close to her keep ya head up cuz you will see her again one day……………………..R.I.P DEVON MILLER

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