If I made the cheerleading squad at school, would they let me wear a skirt and shell?

Question by : If I made the cheerleading squad at school, would they let me wear a skirt and shell?
I’m 15, male, sophomore, and I want to try out for cheerleading, but if I make it the squad, I want to wear a shell and skirt like the girls. Not long pants and a shirt. I would like to know if they would allow me to wear a girls’ uniform first. If not, I won’t bother practicing or trying out. I will shave my legs and wear pantyhose so my legs look like the rest of the girls.

Best answer:

Answer by Violet
Why do you want to wear a skirt…..?

answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AknhifnB.d0d1yrDCEMCEJDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090903134804AALHwfK

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 thoughts on “If I made the cheerleading squad at school, would they let me wear a skirt and shell?

  1. Elana

    I really think that’s going to depend on where you live.

    In San Francisco, they may have no problem with it.

    In Waco Texas, well … you might be skinned alive.

  2. djrdolly

    I’m a cheerleader too! Well first of all why would you WANT to wear a skirt? And second I’m pretty sure they would think your like psycho or something like I sorta do…………….

  3. [[alli<3]]

    oh my. xD
    yeah they probably wouldn’t let you wear it, but hey, you can always just wear skirts outside of cheer for fun. i’m sure you’d work it haha. 🙂

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