How do you base in cheerleading?

Question by Strawberries: How do you base in cheerleading?
How do you base in cheerleading? If i were a main base where do i put my hands on the flyers foot and the same for side base?

Best answer:

Answer by Bubblezz23
If your a main base, you put your left hand on her toe (front part of her foot) and your right hand on her heel (back part of the foot). You will always keep the same placement in every stunt.

For side base, if your doing a two legged stunt, your hands will stay the same as described in main base above. If your doing a two legged stunt, your right hand goes in the middle of the foot in between the main bases hands and your left hand either goes on top of the foot or holding onto the main bases left wrist.

Hope I helped(:

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One thought on “How do you base in cheerleading?

  1. marie

    I’m a flyer and when my bases lifts me they put a hand in my toes(with the fingers around them) and the other in my heel.
    If you’re going to be a back or front base, you put your hands around my ankle (sorry…the ankle of your flyer, not mine).
    Good luck and remember to train with your coach.
    PS: You need to know that we(the flyers) need our bases when we’re falling down, I really love my bases, they’ve saved me from a lot of broken bones.

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