How can i become a better cheerleader?

Question by Abby998: How can i become a better cheerleader?
I signed up early this month and i know nothing about it! Can anyone help in some way?
OK thank you. Do you know some good camps in Alabama??? Oh, im also 11.

Best answer:

Answer by Saf
You could watch the cheerleaders from football games and see what they do but if that doesn’t work you could go to a camp or just practice!!

Good Luck 🙂

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One thought on “How can i become a better cheerleader?

  1. Rachel

    STRETCH! everyday! I have been cheering since I was 6 and im 12 now. practice everyday. you will see a difference. practice your splits, jumps like toe touch hurkey, pike things like that. try tumbling too. but do it with a spotter first, or you could get hurt.

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