Glass Vase Chello Case – Tattle Tale (Lyrics)

Beautiful song. Lyrics: Breathe into my hands; I’ll cup them like a glass to drink from… Are you still, still breathing? Are you still, Breathing? Are you still, still breathing? Are you still, Breathing? Breathe into my hand; I’ll cup them like a glass to drink from..
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 thoughts on “Glass Vase Chello Case – Tattle Tale (Lyrics)

  1. MzKitty05

    I luv this song, I heard it for the first time on the movie “But I am a Cheerleader” and that was a pretty good moive too….

  2. xxKaylove731xx

    loved this song the first time i heard it. i had to know the name.
    i stayed up all night to find it and now that i have something in me feels more alive then back for. call me crazy but this song gives me hope… hope!!! 🙂

  3. wtfarilmaomarylolca3

    i think this song is amazing bc the meaning behind it it more in the instruments and the music, more than the words and vocals. as amazing as those r, its the music that makes me reminisce, gives me the chills. 😀

  4. LizzfaceLove

    This is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. It’s so simple, and just…it really says stuff without actually having to say anything if that makes sense.

  5. playmatelez

    this makes me cry…it takes me back 2 the exact moment of how falling in love feels…makes me want 2 start my relationship all over again…2 feel that amazing feeling of true, honest LOVE w/ a woman…ILY SJF!!!

  6. MissLadyLadyGirl

    It reminds me of the first time you press up against a person and think that they’re beautiful and you’d destroy the world for them.

    I may be being a little overdramatic here.

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