25 thoughts on “Girl gets Flu shot

  1. lovejustin99

    @volcomtowers123 i noe tht how i feel whn i did tht bt so how i had got over it just think tht ur brother or sister is pinchin u kus tht wt i did

  2. pedrocarr96

    Its Not That It Hurts Her Its Jus Dat She Gets Freaked When She Sees Da Needle 😛 I’ll Admit It, Dats How I Am Too

  3. MaximumRideFan10

    my mom gives me candy to suck on and when i’m not paying attention…. bam, i get the shot. maybe you can eat something while your getting a shot. its normal to get scared of needles. 🙂

  4. Thompson6ful

    wow ur in ur 20s and im in my teens and i cant even tell i got a shaot i dont cry, onistly its just a little needle

  5. cookieshopgirl

    getting your blood drawn not that hurts
    i have small viens the nurse uses a butterfly needle on meand the nurse has to prick me 4 times just to find the right spot shoot i’d rather get a shot than get blood drawn anyday

  6. yasminkissable

    @prettyrubypoo no she isn’t she has a fear of needles you don’t big woop you have a fear that she doesn’t have fear of

  7. yasminkissable

    @prettyrubyboo no she isn’t she has a fear of needles you don’t big woop you have a fear that she doesn’t have fear of

  8. yasminkissable

    @physcovideos I’m with you on that i got my shot yesterday and now it hurts like hell x =)

  9. popcicleshooter

    @volcomtowers123 have you ever gotten an IV?!?!? now thats something i would like to see lmao

  10. volcomtowers123

    OOOKKKK its me Ashley! I was 23 in this video. I swear im not faking. Im ok until i see the needle then i freak out everytime. this is not exaggerated at all i promise. im 25 now and im still just as scared. next time i get another shot i will record it again.

  11. FelicityTheDragoness

    When I was laughing I made the same sound as she did when she was crying LMAO
    But anyways I felt kinda bad. I did the same thing just a year ago ^ ^’

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